The Urgency of Formation and Strategic Position as a Solution to Development and Improvement of Local Government Performance
Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA), Formation of Regional Apparatus, Strategic Position, Regional Government Performance, Regional DevelopmentAbstract
The establishment of the Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) as a local
apparatus will bring innovation, especially as an arranger for research and development activities in
the regions. The business processes of the BRIDA must stimulate the creation of new research and
innovation governance in the regions so that the products produced are of more tangible benefit and
have a massive impact on the public benefit. Reform of research and innovation governance is
necessary and should be targeted as the main target and raison d'etre of the establishment of the
BRIDA - not only by local governments but also because of government intervention through
considerations given by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). The research
questions are, who should be the target for the innovation of research and governance in the regions?
What should be prepared by the BRIN in response to establishing the BRIDA? This study aims to map
the existence, role, and management design of the BRIDA. It is hoped that the BRIDA will be able to
become a regional apparatus that is strong, professional, and adaptive in carrying out the mandate of
research, development, assessment, and application, as well as inventions and innovations in the
regions. This study uses a qualitative-exploratory approach. The data refers to regulations/policies
governing the formation of regional apparatus and elaborating national/regional development planning documents. The conclusion showed that the establishment of the BRIDA should be guided by
the grand design of research and innovation governance in the regions determined by the BRIN.
Several mandates are entrusted to the BRIN. In contrast, the BRIDA is expected to be able to play an
active role as a catalyst for improving government performance and accelerating regional
development. Therefore, it is recommended that the BRIN compile a comprehensive-adaptive
management design for the BRIDA by taking into account aspects of managerial novelty, coherence
between national priority agendas, local government performance targets, and meeting the basic
needs of the community in achieving regional and autonomy goals.
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